Events and Screenings
Check out our upcoming events which include crafty workshops, screenings, art exhibits, and much more!
Upcoming Craft Workshops:
Needle-Felted Mini Wolf Class at Crag
$30 click here to sign up
Saturday, February 15, 2020 @ 11am - 4pm
Location: Crag Law Center 3141 E. Burnside St. | Portland, OR 97214
This class helps support Crag Law Center which offers free or low-cost legal representation to communities in need of protecting their air, lands and water.
Learn about Oregon's Famous Wolf OR-7 while making your own mini-wolf with needle-felting craft with local wildlife artist! Needle-felting is an age old tradition using wool and fiber to create fun soft sculptures! This will be a great class to learn all sorts of techniques useful for both beginners and experienced felters! All materials and tools provided. Photos of actual real life Oregon wolves will provide inspiration! Each participant will receive a kit to create their very own mini-wolf and needle-tool to keep. This is a four hour long class, beverages snacks provided - often gluten-free options, fruit and treats.
Click here to see all upcoming Workshop events at Multnomah County Library locations.
Exhibits and Screenings:
NW Film Center presents "Indy Films Works-in-Progress"
Monday, December 16 @ 6:00pm
Pre-screening reception at 6pm, screenings start @ 7:00pm
Location: Whitsell Auditorium 1219 SW Park Ave. | Portland, Oregon 97205
Click here for More Info on Parking
This screening is free and open to the public! Come join us for an evening of first time looks at new up & coming films being made in the region! Due to our unique stop-motion and puppet process, we have made three new featurettes about the making of our film Nowheres Wolf that will be shown for the first time at this screening! Women in Animation Northwest Chapter, Steven Wong Jr. and Leila Chieko have created some wonderful interviews with our Nowheres Wolf Crew that will be shown along set our own making-of films! Hope to see you there!
*** And definitely stick around for post-films discussions with the directors! ***
Seating is determined on a first-come, first-served basis.
Presenting Filmmakers:
Flying Blind
A documentary about a blind man who has skydived over 1,200 times by Jenny Watters, Derek Ewell, and Darian Slayton Fleming
Mr. Immortal Jellyfish
A documentary that explores Japanese scientist Shin Kubota’s work to unlock the secrets of the “the immortal jellyfish” by Dicky Dahl
The Deepest Hole
A documentary investigation into the US and Soviet Union’s race to dig the deepest hole and Hell in the process by Matt McCormick
New Brain
An experimental film involving single-cell organisms & their intricate fractal designs by Kurtis Hough
Future Cosmos Flow
A sci-fi fairytale dance film saga with intricate costumes by Fuschia Lin
Nowheres Wolf
A stop motion short film inspired by OR-7 by Suzanne Moulton, Featurettes by Steven Wong Jr. and Leila Chieko!
Advocacy Events:
Visit your State Representative Day!
Oct. 10, 12 noon
Advocate for Wolves and Wildlife protections and let your representative know that you support a strong Endangered Species Act. They will be voting on some huge changes to the Endangered Species Act that can destroy current protections to our water and wildlife.
Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife in Salem,OR
Continue to let ODFW know you care about protections for our state wolves. You can visit their offices or State Park Ranger Stations and chat with rangers about how you support the return of wolves. These agencies normally only hear from hunters who purchase hunting licenses and cattle ranchers who lease the land, they need to hear from Oregonians who enjoy our public lands for recreation. You can ask them to offer a "permit to protect" license to create revenue instead of just hunting licenses.
Summit public comments about the Draft Wolf Plan, the new changes to the Wolf Plan include reducing conservation and making it easier to kill wolves in Oregon. There are only about 137 wolves total in Oregon.
Click Here to read the background on the Wolf Plan and why it does not reflect the wishes of 70% of Oregonians or support the science of conservation.